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Czech and Slovak Club of  Greater Kansas City

Ever wondered when your ancestors first arrived in America?

How about the ship they sailed or the port they departed?

What about the money they were carrying and their original destination?

Would you be interested in knowing what they told the census bureau in 1930, 1920, 1910, or before?

All this information and much more can be accessed at the Independence branch of the Mid-Continent Public Library. The genealogy department at the Independence location has one of the most thorough genealogical databases in the Midwest. They subscribe to a number of services that are made available to the general public.

Join us and explore your family’s history as we meet at the library on Saturday, August 2, beginning at 1 PM. There will be a library staff member assigned to our group that will explain how to get started and assist us in locating information. With our own personal staff member and a wide variety of research sources, there should be plenty of new information available to both novice and experienced ancestry researchers.
There is no cost to attend and the program is not limited to members. The room we will be using holds about 40 people. So please let Terry Smitka know if you are planning to attend by calling him at 816-217-9487 or There is no deadline to register and walk-ups are welcome if space is available.
For those who have some basic information about their ancestor’s journey to America, the club is also trying to put together an album to preserve this information. Please consider putting the story of your ancestors’ immigration to America in writing so we can add your family story to our album. If it is not done by you, the information could be lost forever. Contact Terry Smitka or Joyce Cox at 816-942-6307 or if you have something you would be willing to share with the rest of the club.

Date : Saturday, August 2
Time :
1:00 PM
Location :

Mid-Continent Public Library
3440 S. Lee’s Summit Road
Independence, Missouri 64055
Phone –
Cost :
Provided by the club